Pepper Palace The End Hot Sauce

Must Try

Smack My Ass & Call Me Sally Hot Sauce

The End hot sauce review (6 million Scoville) #theend#pepperpalace

With a name like Smack My Ass & Call Me Sally you begin to imagine the heat of this hot sauce. The picture is painted further with the cartoon visuals of a crying man on the bottle. If all of that doesnt scare you, then maybe the fact that its made with hot Habanero Peppers will.

Scoville Units: 1.5 million Scoville Heat Units

How We Chose These Products

This roundup consists of some of the hottest hot sauces on the market. Please believe us when we tell you that they will burndo not, under any circumstances, touch your eyes when handling them. But that was what we looked for when searching for what hot sauces to includethe spiciest, zingiest, most fiery hot sauces available on the market. A lot of them use the Carolina Reaper, officially the world’s hottest pepper, so you know we aren’t kidding around. We also asked some chefs to give us their favorite super spicy hot sauces to include on this list. Those options have a kick, of course, but also some serious flavor. Feel free to incorporate those into your dishes, test your strength with just a dab, or go full Hot Onesby buying them all and tasting them in order of hotness. Read the below of our recs for the hottest hot sauces with extreme caution. It’s not for the faint of heart.

How Hot Is Measured

If youre not familiar with the Scoville scale, its simply a system for indicating how spicy something is. A jalapeño is between 2,500 and 8k. An orange habanero is between 150k-325k. Many super hot sauces put these peppers to shame, and thats where I now find myself.

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Franks Redhot Sauce 450 Shus

Franks RedHot is a true classic, dating back to the early 1900s in Louisiana. It is also credited as a key ingredient in the original Buffalo wing sauce, created in Buffalo, NY.

Now, youll see Franks in supermarkets across the globe and on tabletops in your local chain restaurants. It is undoubtedly tasty, with a simple, aged cayenne pepper recipe that is timeless.

This hot sauce will serve as a baseline, coming in at just 450 SHUs on the Scoville scale. We all know and love Franks, so it is a great comparison for the ungodly heat in the later sauces

Recommended Reading: The Last Dab Hot Sauce Scoville

What Is The Hottest Hot Ones Sauce

The End Hot Sauce  Pepper Palace

An aspiring cook who challenged his friend to a chilli-eating contest died just hours later. Shortly after he had a heart attack and died. Andrew Lee dies after eating superhot chilli sauce. Mr Lee took a jar of the sauce to his girlfriends house last weekend, where he challenged her brother Michael, his family said.

Don’t Miss: Pepper X Hot Sauce For Sale

Has Anyone Died From The End Hot Sauce

In order to produce a super-hot sauce, Andrew Lee, 33, had utilized a bag of home-grown red chillies he had purchased. The forklift truck driver, who had recently passed a medical exam at his place of employment, challenged his girlfriends brother to take a tablespoon of the food before devouring a plateful of it himself. He died shortly after, as a result of a heart attack.

The Hottest Of The Hot Sauces With Scoville Units In The Millions

The Daily Meal tracked down the spiciest hot sauces, ranking them according to Scoville units. The list covers Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin Sauce, at 200,000 to 350,000 Scoville units, to Pepper Palace Hottest Sauce in the Universe2nd Dimension . At the top of the list is Pure Capsaicin, clocking in at presumably fatal 16 million Scoville units. Full Story

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Predator Great White Shark Hot Sauce

Theres a great term called benign masochism that you see tossed around to describe people who enjoy things like hot sauce. Its a way to get your thrills without facing any real danger. Like diving in a shark cage. Or dripping some Predator Great White Shark on your food.

For fans of this hot sauce, every week is shark week! This stuff is only 175,000 Scoville units, so even though its very hot, the great white of hot sauce is still at the bottom of this list. On , a reviewer had this to say about how he uses Predator, I use this stuff whenever I want to reliably adjust the heat of a dish or drink without having to dump in a gallon of sauce. Its very efficient. Id say about 5 drops of this stuff will warm up a gallon of bloody mary mix about as much as an entire bottle of tobasco would.

This hot sauce contains vinegar, habaneros, papaya, bananas, and pineapple. No sharks were harmed in the making of this hot sauce.

Tried Pepper Palaces The End Today

“The End” Hot Sauce Tasting

Like the title says I tried pepper Palaces the end. To make a long story short the pain in my mouth didnt even come close to the pain in my stomach about 15 minutes after I tried it. Ended up sweating profusely, dry heaving for about 10 minutes or so but nothing too embarrassing. Just wanted to know if anyone else has tried this and what theyre experience was with it?

As a disclaimer: I do enjoy spicy food although I usually never try anything too crazy. So my relatively low tolerance is likely what caused such an extreme reaction.

Also, if anyone has any kind of estimate for where it might be on the scoville scale that would be appreciated! The guy said it was hotter than flashbang so he estimated somewhere around 3.5 mill

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Trying The End Hot Sauce At Pepper Palace Vlog

In the video above, you get to watch us enjoy the best/worst hot sauce that the Pepper Palace had available! But… for the non-video folks, here’s a few photos too!

Since the Pepper Palace is a whole store devoted to hot sauces and salsas, I figured it would be the perfect place to take out for some tasty fun. You can actually sample every hot sauce in the house, so we had a really good time!

Lots of familiar “super hot” peppers are used to season and flavor the sauces, like the Ghost “Bhut Jolokia” Pepper and the Carolina Reaper. There were all sorts of flavors and heat levels, so taste testing was took a while. Since they had a “Buy 5 – Get One Free” promo going on, I picked up three for our family and three bottles for to take home.

Eventually, we ended up at “the End.” It was certainly hot, but we handled it. Of course, we’ve got more experience than a lot of folks, so that probably helped! Overall, I say we passed with flying colors.

Pepper Palace Wing Master Ranch Sauce

Visit my other site, For The Wing, for all things chicken-wing!

Whenever Anita and I are in the Gatlinburg, Tennessee, area we always make it a point to swing by a Pepper Palace store. They have several stores in the area, including a new one in Sevierville in an area called The Island. We also usually end up at one of the stores in downtown Gatlinburg. The stores always seem busy. People everywhere are enjoying samples of the hot sauces and salsas, from the hot to the mild. Me, I headed straight to the wing sauces and in particular, Pepper Palaces own line of Wing Master sauces, including this Ranch sauce.

As soon as we returned from our trip I threw a few seasoned wings onto my Weber Performer grill outfitted with the Vortex insert. When the wings were done I tossed them with the Ranch sauce and dug in. The sauce is mellow with a hint of Ranch flavors. Theres a slight wing sauce kick, but again, not overwhelming. Its a very enjoyable sauce, that wont scare off anyone that doesnt like hot hot wings.

Pepper Palace has a wide range of sauces, from the extremely hot to the nice and mellow. The Ranch sauce is nice and mellow with not a lot of heat. I seasoned the wings with your standard Ranch dressing seasoning mix, which complimented the sauce flavors perfectly. And since I was on a Ranch them, might as well have some Ranch salad dressing for dipping!

You can order Pepper Palaces sauces online but if it is well worth stopping in at one of their many stores.

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Da Bomb The Final Answer

Heat Level: 1.5 million SHUs

Da Bomb also makes a sauce called Beyond Insanity, yet this one is hotter. To attempt the Final Answer one must fly past insanity then keep going. More than just an extract, this one includes habaneros, spices and apricot nectar along with the pure pepper heat. But at one and a half million Scovilles, drip it on with a steady, cautious hand. Buy It

How To Make Hot Sauce

The End hot sauce from the Pepper Palace. Over 6 million o

Before we get into that, heres a quick explainer on what the hell is even in these hot sauces.

All hot sauces begin with a pepper. Youve likely passed most of these in the produce section of your grocery store. Habanero, serrano, fresno, jalapeño. But, some hot sauce brands opt for more obscure varieties like scotch bonnet, ghost pepper, or the dreaded Carolina Reaper.

In addition to one or a variety of spicy peppers, youll need some vinegar and some other aromatics like ginger, garlic, and of course salt and black pepper. Blend it all up and voila youve got your own homemade hot sauce.

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Is The Last Dab Hotter Than Da Bomb

A typical serving of the Classic Hot Sauce has around 1,800 Scoville units. The Last Dab, the shows distinctive final hot sauce, contains approximately 2,000,000 Scoville units. According to the presentation, the total number of copies sold for Da Bomb is around 135,600.

Cajohn’s Magma Hot Sauce

Its label looks slightly more innocent than some of the other more menacing hot sauce labels on this list , but it’s still damn hot. CaJohn’s Magma Hot Sauce features 1 million SHUs and a lava-esque blob of capsicum in the middle of all that translucent vinegar. So, yeah, it physically may not look so hot thanks to the clear vinegar, but it’s up there. It’s definitely up there.

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Hottest Sauce In The Universe The 2nd Dimension

With 18.1 kgs of ghost pepper added to every batch, the Hottest Sauce in the Universe, The 2nd Dimension is not for the faint of hearted. So dont let the blue wax seal or the cool 90s inspired logo fool you, this is a hot sauce. While its not quite the hottest sauce in the universe or on this list, its fairly close as it is 700 times spicier than regular Tabasco.

Scoville Units: 3.5 million Scoville Heat UnitsPeppers: Ghost pepper

The Ghost: 1 Million Scoville Units

THE END Hot Sauce

Melindas The Ghost has something sweet to it carrots, papaya, lime and passion fruit but the bhut jolokia chile has a brutal bite. At 1 million Scoville units, this slightly tangy hot sauce brings the heat. One Amazon reviewer thinks it hasnt quite reached the melt your face threshold but says its great with eggs and chili.

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Mad Dog 357 Gold Edition

Scoville units: 1 millionPeppers used: Carolina Reaper, scorpion, ghost

David Ashley has been making hot sauces for over 30 years, and his most potent concoction on the market uses a blend of reaper, scorpion, and ghost peppers, plus something called Plutonium Extract. That may sound like something Homer Simpson deals with at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, but its actually Ashleys proprietary extract of peppers from around the globe that counts 9 million on the Scoville scale. The bottle comes with a bullet attached to the neck, and you can decide the implications of that. Buy it here.

The End Hot Sauce: 6 Million Scoville Units

Well, if the name of this one doesnt terrify you, perhaps the product description will: The searing pain felt across your tongue brings tears to your eyes. You cry out for water. The panic sets in. How do I make it stop?!? Why did I do that? I should have listened to the warnings! You swear never again! 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes later The End hasnt ended. R.I.P. My taste buds. Those brave enough to try this Pepper Palace creation can post their reaction to social media using the hashtag #WallOfFlame for a chance to win $250. It includes vinegar, habanero peppers, Carolina reaper peppers, extract, salt and xanthan gum.

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Video Result For The End Flatline Hot Sauce Scoville Units

Pepper Palace hot sauce challenge!
THE END FLATLINE! | 3,000,000 Scoville! YouTube
The End Hot Sauce by Pepper Palace!! 6 Million Scoville Units!

How Hot Is My Bottle Of Hot Sauce? | Hot Sauce Heat Scale

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Cajohns Magma Hot Sauce

The End Hot Sauce

Heat Level: 1 million SHUs

If you like your hot sauce with a bit of showmanship, pick up Magma. The suspended oleoresin of capsicum forms a red-hot blob within the clear vinegar base, reminiscent of the once mighty lava lamp. Shake it to incorporate the heat, and tone down the burn to an acceptable level, like a full three steps back from a jet engines exhaust. Buy It

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Steel Pot Required To Withstand The Heat

Sichuan spicy pots are traditional dishes in China, but people all over the world concoct their own variations. And in some places, these pots become even more blazing thanks to recipe tweaks like adding more chilis. Thankfully, these pots also incorporate all types of toppings and sides, so if you find yourself enjoying a meal of one, there will at least be a bit of veggies and meat to take the edge off. Still, there are no guarantees youll walk away without your eyes watering and nose running, if you can finish your bowl in the first place.

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Predator Great White Shark

Heat Level: 175k SHUs

Youre going to need a bigger burrito. Like everything on our list, this is to be used with a prudent hand and glass of something cold nearby. Containing tropical island-themed ingredients like banana and pineapple to satiate the habanero and pepper extract flare-up, this warns it will take a bite out of your posterior. Test these waters at your own risk. Buy It

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One Serving Will Fire You Up: Paqui Tortilla Chip

It might seem extra to buy a single tortilla chip, but you probably wont want a second serving of Paquis Carolina Reaper Madness Chip. The supposedly delectable tortilla chip is packed with Carolina Reaper pepper and a dusting of both ghost pepper powder and chipotle seasoning. The in-demand chips frequently sell out on Paquis website, but that may also be because the company got smart with its promotion of the snack. They ran a challenge where foodies could record themselves trying the chip to enter a giveaway for a GoPro and a years supply of chips Hopefully the winners taste buds grew back to the point they could enjoy the free chips!

Hottest Hot Sauces In The World

The End Flatline Hot Sauce | The Pepper Palace Wall of Flame Challenge

Mankind has been heating up its meals with hot sauce for generations. In fact, experts agree that hot sauce goes back as far as Mayan times. However, just a mixture of peppers and water, the first sauces were far simpler and would be unrecognizable by todays standards.

The contemporary bottle of hot sauce didnt come until years later, however it was still quite some time ago. The first commercially available bottled sauces in America appeared in Massachusetts all the way back in 1807.

However, while the bottled sauces would certainly resemble the contemporary bottle of hot sauce, their flavor would be mild by todays standards. It wasnt until much later, when people began breeding pepper plants that hot sauce started to get really spicy. By the late 1980s, mankind had descended into a full blown arms race for extreme chili breeding. Unsurprisingly, this has resulted in the birth of dangerously spicy peppers, such as the Carolina Reaper and the infamous Pepper X, and even spicier hot sauces.

Were talking sauces made with peppers so unnaturally far off the Scoville charts, that they need warning labels just to be put on shelves.

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Mad Dog 357 No 9 Plutonium

There is no way in hot and fiery hell there’s a human alive on this planet who can take the heat of Mad Dog 357 No. 9 Plutonium. But still, plenty of thrill-seekers are willing to try. With a record 9 million SHUs, Mad Dog 357 No. 9 Plutonium is like eating an actual piece of Dante’s Inferno. As in, it will burn and you will be admitted to the hospital.

Don’t believe us? The actual hot sauce itself comes with a warning to sparingly add it to your food. Literally, it’s not to be consumed directly and should be only added to food for taste in teeny-tiny drips and drabs. It’s that serious.

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